Maryland To Malaysia

I have taken six weeks off from my work and my life in Maryland to follow my heart and dreams to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and my boyfriend. This is the day-to-day tale of my travels as I explore a new world and experience new adventures.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Countdown-5 days

I leave in 5 days! It is Saturday, and I leave on Wednesday morning. This trip has been a long time in the planning. I think Jeff(my boyfriend) and I made the plans in early April. I am not a long term planner. It's a stretch for me to commit to plans a week in advance, much less three months, so the past three months has felt like an eternity.

Right now my mother is here straightening my house like a whirling dirvish, getting everything prepared for the house/dog sitter who moved in on Tuesday. I could do these things, but she enjoys it so much that I hate to deprive her of that joy. Plus, I hate doing it.