On Tuesday, I had my first adventure in KL. I decided to take matters into my own hands and bit off more than I could chew as usual. My big plan was to walk to the train station despite Brooksie's warning that it was too far to walk. I looked at a map, dammit! It didn't look too far! I should have been a little concerned when I saw Manickam (our regular taxi driver) at the apartment building, and he tried to get me take his taxi. I declined and started my morning walk to the unknown. I really should have been concerned when he pulled up next to me on the street and tried to take me to the station for free. Again I declined. I told him I really wanted to walk through the town. He kept saying "Very far, very far. I take you. Very far". Silly man. Obviously he didn't know who he was dealing with. As Brooksie said, tell me it's too far, and I will walk it twice just to prove you wrong! In this case, he was right.
Since I don't have a watch, I gauge time by the number of songs played on my ipod. I figured it would be a 5 song walk. It was more like a 12 song walk. Which really wouldn't have been too bad if conditions in Malaysia were more accomodating for walkers. At first it was quite pleasant. I was definitely the most popular girl walking along the road. Of course, I was the only person, let alone girl, walking along the road. I perfected my beauty queen wave on the journey. I felt like Princess Diana waving to her admirers. At least that is how I prefer to look at things. In actuality, they were probably honking and laughing at the silly white girl walking along the road. When I say "road", I mean highway filled with crazy drivers and tons of people on scooters who do not have to obey driving rules. If you try to cross the street thinking it is safe because all of the cars are stopped, watch out! Suddenly a scooter will come flying up between the cars. It's rather disconcerting. But I digress.
So I am walking along the highway, waving to my fans, enjoying the new cultural experience while entertaining the locals. To give my fans what they wanted, I even managed to completely lose my footing on some uneven ground and almost fell on my ass. Twice. More entertainment from the crazy, waving, white girl walking along the highway. It was about that time that the sidewalk ran out and many areas did not have a shoulder. So then I was the crazy, clutzy, waving, walking-in-the-road white girl.
There were no signs telling me where the train station was. Thank goodness I had asked a man at the 7-11 (yes, I said 7-11) who had given me good directions. He had said turn left at the light after the flyover (overpass). There was not a single sign for the station. And the road was a step up from a dirt road. I asked a taxi driver coming from that direction, and he said the station was down there. So I'm walking along this little road, past all of these little food stalls and cafes where all of the locals stared at me like they had never seen a silly white girl walking along that road, which I am certain they hadn't. I'm pretty hot and a bit tired by this point as well as frustrated because I have no idea where I am going. One either very nice Malaysian or serial killer Malaysian pulled over to offer me a ride. Even in my near-delirious state I had the sense to frisk him before I accepted the ride. Just kidding. I declined and continued walking. A couple of my fans are pulling out of a parking lot and smile and say something that I don't understand. I point straight ahead and ask "Train station?" They point to my left and nod. It's this little dirt road! There are no signs! I would never have found it! I now understand why the people on the Amazing Race get lost so often. I had always just thought they were dumb.
So I go down the little dirt road, passing shacks for houses with all kinds of chickens just roaming around the streets in front of the yards. That was pretty cool. I finally get to the train station and crawl up the steps on all fours (some creative license here). I purchase my train ticket with no problem. It was 2 ringgits which is about 60 cents. Thanks to my epic journey to the station, I had a pretty good sense of where I was geographically in comparison to KL. I waited on the platform. On the other side, I saw the train come and go in the direction that I wanted to go. I was on the wrong side! Trains here, like cars, travel on the opposite side than I am used to. Curses! So I went to the other side and waited another twenty minutes. The train itself was just like the metro in DC. It was cool(temperature) and comfy.
I was so tired and drained by the time I got on the train, I wasn't sure how long I would stay in KL. I took the train to KL Sentral which is a major hub where you can transfer to other public transportation to wherever you want to go. I decided I was going to do a walking tour of Merdeka Square and Little India. Merdeka Sqare is where Malaysia had declared its independence from the UK fifty years ago. They have a big festival planned for late August to celebrate their 50th birthday. I took the light rail to Masjid Jamek, a beautiful mosque at the intersection of the Klang and Gombak rivers. I know this now because I looked it up, but on the video I took I believe my words were, "This is a beautiful building, but I have not idea what it is. I can't get to it because there is a large river of slime between us."

Anyway, even though I had a little walking tour guide from my touristy tour book, I still couldn't seem to figure out where anything was. I couldn't find Merdeka Square to save my life so I changed my itinerary to a walk through Chinatown. Of course I couldn't figure out where that was either. I think I walked the same four blocks for about an hour, but they were a beautiful and interesting four blocks so I didn't really mind.

I ventured down this little alley where it looked like the locals where having some lunch at some hawker stands. I had an Indian iced tea and some fried bananas, both of which were delicious. I finally got on the right track for the Chinatown walk. It was interesting and fun. I went to Jalan Petaling which is the center of Chinatown and a very cool open market. I did some haggling with salespeople and did very well I think. I bought a few things(which I can't reveal because some are gifts). They had originally asked for 220 ringgits, and I got them down to 100 ringgits. I was so proud of myself I dropped my video camera. Then they tried to sell me a new one! Fortunately, mine was fine.

I decided to head to the monorail station to go to KL Sentral and catch the train back to Shah Alam. After getting lost and walking to the top of some stadium because it looked like it could be a monorail station, I finally found it. I loved the monorail. You get a great tour of the city. I am going to go back and just ride the monorail from one end to the other.
That's about it. Not wanting to make the same mistake twice, I called Manickam the taxi driver from the train and asked him to pick me up at the train station. He proceeded to laugh at me the entire ride back because I had insisted on walking. He is going to take me to an Indian restaurant for lunch next week which I am looking forward to because I love Indian food. Well, that was day six. I spent day seven by the pool, recovering. Life is really tough here. Hope all is well. Selamat jalan (good bye)!